Accretive Cleantech Finance Private Limited is now Ecofy Finance Private Limited


  • Publish on Apr 16, 2023
  • Read Time 5 min

The last few years have seen a considerable rise in the number of corporations and businesses undertaking the green cause and making their practices more sustainable. Although the reasons for getting involved in sustainable practices vary for each company, from building a better brand image to boosting the business through innovation, the end result of organisations becoming more eco-friendly remains the same. There are myriads of ways in which your company can #DoMoreGreen. But where do you start? No matter the size of your business, it is always a good idea to start with the everyday changes that can be implemented on a daily basis and then move on to bigger and perhaps, structural changes.

1. Make a ‘green work culture’ at the office

Inculcating eco-friendly habits among the employees might sound like a simplistic approach but it can work wonders and have a substantial impact on the ‘greenifying’ of your business. Its implementation costs? Almost zero! Measures as common as printing on both sides of a paper (or avoiding printing entirely), switching off lights and air conditioners when leaving a room, installing water coolers instead of providing bottled water, switching to green cleaning products, and encouraging carpooling will be tremendously beneficial to the environment. Some of these measures will also reduce your company’s energy consumption and electricity bills.

2. Invest in greener equipment

Whether it is using LED lights and BEE certified air conditioners in the offices or using power saving machinery in the process of manufacturing, moving to energy-efficient equipment will reduce the operating costs and energy bills considerably. In addition, there is a wide variety of green products like rooftop solar and wind turbines available to make your business completely independent of non-renewable energy sources. Explore these products and services right here with ecofy.

3. Switch to green vendors

Studies show that consumer willingness to pay more for sustainable goods has increased by an average of 8% from 2021 to 2022. In Europe, major multinational companies prefer to partner with firms that have made efforts to reduce their carbon footprints, opening up new business opportunities for your company. As eco-friendly practices increasingly become the norm and the mindset of the consumer base changes, ensuring that the materials used by your company are clean and green makes all the difference in the world, to the environment and to your business. 

4. Keep an eye out for new technology and incentives

The tech world is always changing and bringing new methods of reducing carbon emissions. On the other hand, governments are also moving towards offering incentives to companies that are committed to decreasing their carbon footprint. Keeping abreast of the new developments will ensure that your company is not only in line with regulations but also a step ahead in the journey towards a greener future.

In a world that is changing so rapidly, forward thinking, environmentally minded companies are the need of the hour. Whether it is taking steps to make office operations more energy efficient or a company-wide shift to green technology, every enterprise, small or big, new or established, can make their mark and #DoMoreGreen.

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